Sunday, March 4, 2007

A bit of background...

Greetings for reading. I wanted to take a post to fill you in on me.

There are probably lots of labels you can find, and their meanings, if you looked. Crossdresser... Transvestite... I could probably be put into a category if it helps you to understand. But with everything, change happens. The terms might be redefined, or my thoughts and feelings on a topic might alter from one day to the next.

What I do is simple. I dress and try to present myself as a woman in my part-time. Everyone will immediately have a different 'first question', so please read a bit to see if yours is answered. I'm not gay. I don't want to become a woman. I do it in the privacy of my own house.

When I dress, I take on a Karen mind-set. However, she's a part of me to begin with, the clothes just help me express her. I don't need to 'dress to the nines' to feel her either. Sometimes just slipping on a woman's T-shirt and jeans can bring her out. The important part of the process for me is.. the clothes.

I hope to post more, as there are a lot of topics that I can cover. I'd rather this post stay without details and to serve more as an introduction.


Anonymous said...

hey there that was so well put sweetie i liked it very much ... oh btw i feel if woman can wear mens clothes then men can wear womans clothes .... go get them lol

Karen said...


That may be very true.. but socitey has accepted that women can wear men's clothes. It is not accepted in the reverse. Just think how many stares and laughs a guy would get if he wore a dress in public (and trying to present himself as a man).

There is a double standard.

(also, one thing I don't like about blogger.. i can't reply to a comment)

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.