When I say 'real' haircut, I'm not trying to say I've gone 30+ years without someone taking a pair of shears to my head.. but a haircut where I don't say, "Number 5 in the back and 3 on the sides/top". I guess the correct way to describe it is.. a non-trimmer cut.
So I sat in the chair, trying my best to describe to this poor woman that I want to grow out my hair (again), but it's completely unmanagable and way too curly for me to maintain any length without it looking like a mess. She tried hard to understand, but in the end got me down to just trimming the tops/sides, making my hairline at my neck more even/clean, and 10 minutes styling it to how I wished my hair looked each day. I'm not sure when the next time I'll visit again, but I have this thought that I'm probably only going to be able to get away with a bob-like style. I'm not sure how I feel about that.
You may also notice, I haven't said anything about the eyebrow trim. Well, that's because I didn't get one. But it wasn't really for lack of asking; I did ask.. but the girl in the front of the store, either didn't hear me, or was compeltely surprised that I asked for it, that she was confused. I had to help her out, and just say "I want a haircut". I still need the eyebrows trimmed, but not sure when I'll get over my fear and get them done. My backup plan at the moment is to use some of my ELMA cream, from my laser removal treatments, and then go to town with tweezers.
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